To WIN a Round:
Beat your opponent's score by getting as close to 21 without going over
Play 9 cards without going over 21
Remember: A tie is a draw and no player wins that round
(unless you play a Tie Breaker POWER BOOST Card!)
To WIN a Game:
Win 3 rounds! It's that simple!
Beat your opponent to a score of 21 to win the pot & climb the leaderboards!
Play on or off the blockchain in this first ever, 'built-for-everyone' web2/3 hybrid card game. Use POWER BOOST CARDS to SUPER CHARGE your game and win even more!

Bonez is all about racing your opponent to get as close as you can to a score of 21 without going over! The highest score less than or equal to 21 wins the round. Win 3 rounds and you have won the game!

Don't miss out on any of the FREE rewards and bonuses you can receive in Bonez! Enable notifications in the settings section of the lobby by clicking the gear icon in the top right of the your screen. You can also click the heart icon to invite your friends to play and to view your tribe where you can send and receive Bonez for FREE every day! ​You can disable notifications at any time by clicking the settings gear.

HOUSE DECK - cards 1-10
There are 4 of each of these cards making a house deck of 40 cards for each round played.
One House Card is automatically dealt to each player at the start of their turn. A random number generator is used to select which card is dealt to a player at the start of their turn.
POWER DECK - Players choose 10 cards from this deck to put in their “Power Deck” for the game. Four of these cards are then drawn at random to use in the game. These four cards are not refreshed during the playing of the rounds. Players can choose to play 1 Power Card during a turn, after the House Card has been played.
Remember: when a power card is played on your board, it is used up and will be removed from your deck inventory. Power cards that are still in your hand at the end of a game are returned to your inventory. You can buy more power cards in the shop using game chipz.
HOUSE POWER CARDS - Unlimited supply for FREE for all players in the deck builder):
Plus 1-6
Minus 1-6
POWER BOOST CARDS - Players must buy these cards with Bonez or Chipz to have them added to their deck builder:
Plus OR Minus 1-6 (the player chooses + or - when they play the card)
STEAL - On their turn, a player can steal one played card from their opponent's board. This automatically adds the value of the stolen card to the player's total score. If the opponent has already chosen to stand, using this card will bump them back into gameplay.
DOUBLE - Doubles value of the last card you were dealt from the house deck
TIE BREAKER - Adds +1 or -1 to your score AND then breaks a tie if there is one
RESSURECT - Bring back any card from your graveyard (already played) pile and play it again. This card must be played right away. If the resurrected card was originally played as a + or - card, the card will be re-played with the same + or - status that it had the first time it was played.
REDRAW - Allows the player to re-draw the last House Card that was dealt to them
1 or 11 - Choose for the card to be played as a 1 or an 11
REMEMBER: When a POWER BOOST CARD is played on your board, it is used up and will be removed from your deck inventory. POWER BOOST CARDS that are still in your hand at the end of a game are returned to your inventory. You can buy more power cards in the shop using Chipz or Bonez.




Each turn, one house card is drawn for you and placed on the table in front of you. The value of this card is added to your score.
You can then choose to play a card from your power card deck to add to your score or influence it in another way. When a POWER BOOST card is played on your board, it is used up and will be removed from your deck inventory. POWER BOOST CARDS that are still in your hand at the end of a game are returned to your inventory.
You can then either play a card from you power hand or end your turn. Only one power card can be played per turn and no more cards are drawn from the house deck.
When ending their turn, the player has two options:
End Turn:
If you end your turn, your opponent begins their turn and a card is automatically drawn from the house deck to their hand. -
If you stand, you keep your current score until the end of the round and do not play any other cards.
If one player stands or reaches 21, the opponent can continue playing cards until they choose to stand as well or until they bust.
The winner of the round is then the first player for the next round. In the case of a tie, whoever was not the first player for the tied round is the first player for the next round.
The Bonez Lobby is where players can create or join a game, view Leaderboards and Active Games or simply chat with other players. The Available Games tab lists all of the games that are waiting for a second player, as well as the host name, and wager.
There are 2 ways to start playing Bonez:
Click the green CREATE GAME button to create a new game for another player to join. You can then choose your wager for the game.
Click another player's JOIN button to start playing with them

Bonez is a PvP betting game. Betting is mandatory for all players in either of the 2 in-game currencies:
Bonez - Non-crypto social currency - You can get Bonez from friends
Chipz - Crypto based in-game currency - Chipz can be transferred from your Zoombies or Cryptoz Token balance or bought in the Shop.
When you create a game, you can choose the type (Bonez or Chipz) and amount that you would like to wager on the game. A table fee is taken from the pot for the game treasury. The game treasury is used for bonuses, progressive pots and other player rewards.


Players drag 10 cards into their Power Deck. From these 10 cards, 4 cards will be selected at random to play in the game. When a power card is played on your board, it is used up and will be removed from your deck inventory. Power cards that are still in your hand at the end of a game are returned to your inventory. You can buy more power cards in the shop using Chipz.

You need to have 10 cards in your deck to begin the gameplay. Once you have reached 10 cards, the READY button in the top right of the screen will become active.
If the Deck Building timer runs out before you have dragged 10 cards into your deck, the remaining cards will be randomly selected for you and the game will begin.

You can see if your opponent is ready to begin playing by looking at their Deck Building status in the top right corner of the screen.